Frequently Asked Questions
Starting your journey to clear skin can be overwhelming, scary, anxiety-filled, and exciting all at the same time. So we made the first step very easy. Step 1 is to book a free Clear Skin Discovery Session (CSDS).
Your FREE Clear Skin Discover Session is a 15-minute phone call with one of our expert Clear Skin Specialists. The objective is to answer all of your questions about our proven Online Acne Program and to help you determine if this is the path that will get you the clear skin you deserve. If you decide that our program is right for you, your Clear Skin Specialist will help you take the first step and book our $55 Online Acne Consult.
*We offer the CSDS to answer any questions you may have as it relates to your clear skin journey to make sure you’re confident with moving forward. If you are certain our acne program if for you, and don’t have any preliminary questions, you can skip the CSDS and schedule your Online Acne Consultation – step #2 in our Online Acne Program.
Our Online Acne Consult is step #2 in your journey to clear skin. (see step 1 here- optional) flagship Online Acne Program. If you decide our proven acne program is for you during your optional Clear Skin Discovery Session (see above), the OAC will be the next step in your process.
The OAC is a highly valuable video call designed to go deeper into into the history of your skin clearing journey and to set you up with a personalized acne treatment program that has been customized just for you.
During your consult, your Clear Skin Specialist will listen to all the details of your acne journey and you’ll be able to ask as many questions as you’d like. Once you receive your plan, you can then decide if you want to follow the plan on your own or, enjoy the support and structure offered in our Online Acne Program that has cleared thousands around the world.
Step #3 in our Online Acne Program is our actual 16-week Online Acne Program that has a 95% success rate and has helped thousands of people around the world achieve the clear skin they deserve.
Our Process:
Step 1: Clear Skin Discovery Session (CSDS) – 15-minute (see above for details)
Step 2: Online Acne Consultation (OAC) – 1 hour (see details above)
Step 3: Online Acne Program (OAP) – 16-weeks
The OAP was created by Natural Acne Clinic founder and CEO, Jessica Gremley, after 15 years of research and clearing her own acne. Her mission is to clear 1 million people around the world using a solution that will provide the knowledge and products to keep skin clear for a lifetime.
The OAP starts with an acne treatment plan customized for every single client. It includes eliminating acne triggering foods, correcting hormonal imbalances with supplements, and using the best specialty skincare products for acne that have NO pore clogging ingredients. Importantly, our expert Clear Skin Specialists will adjust your regimen every two weeks based on how your skin is responding.
You’re worth it. If you compare our program to products and kits alone, you might feel we’re expensive… but products alone don’t usually work. And if you start adding up all the wasted months you’d continue buying products that don’t work, our program often will save you money. The bottom line is you’re worth it and our approach helps you heal holistically from the inside out.
- The OAP starts with a completely personalized acne treatment program that includes a plan that’s tailored just for you. You will be able to keep this plan for a lifetime as reference to keep your skin clear for years to come.
- Identification of all acne triggers that are causing your acne to worsen and not respond to previous treatments.
- Access to the best, non-pore clogging products and hormone-balancing that can be purchased from the comfort of your home and shipped to your front door.
- Custom diet changes prepared by your personal Clear Skin Specialist.
- Bi-weekly diet changes to help you get clear fast but also, the understanding around ‘why’ the changes are being made so you can add those tips to your toolbox.
- Option to have ongoing access to your Clear Skin Specialist after you’ve graduated from the 16-week program and achieve clear skin.
- And Lifetime Knowledge! At Natural Acne Clinic, we believe this is worth EVERY cent of our program cost.
There is NO PRICE that can be placed on understanding what you need to do to stay clear for the rest of your life. There is no price that can be placed on DAILY confidence when you walk out the door into the world, are working out at the gym without makeup, delivering a presentation in the boardroom, or simply lounging around your house stress-free not worrying if a new pimple is forming. There is FREEDOM in not having to worry about acne anymore.
The full 16-week program cost can vary per person because it is customized to each individual, their skin/acne type, and their personal acne causes. On average the full program is $1200-$1500 USD, depending on the severity of your acne and amount of areas being treated. Your Specialist will help you determine your personal quote during your Online Acne Consultation.
This pricing includes all skincare, herbs, supplements, your own personal Clear skin Specialist, 24-hour messaging support, bi-weekly skin check ins, diet guides, lifestyle guides, and much more for the full 4 months.
Thousands of people around the world have graduated from the Online Acne Program. Thousands of people have gotten clear and stayed clear using our Online Acne Program. And thousands of people are currently in the Online Acne Program getting clear and gaining the knowledge to stay clear for a lifetime. Taking the first step is easy. It works!
Absolutely not! Take it from a crew of people who have had acne and cleared it… living with acne is so much harder than our Online Acne Program.
Your Clear Skin Coach will suggest modest diet changes and provide you with a personal acne treatment plan that includes all the products you need to get clear. Along with your coach’s support and the use of our app Clear Connection, this will be one of the easiest things you ever do.
We get it. You’re skeptical… and that’s a good thing. But please don’t let it keep you from being pleasantly surprised. This program works. We use a proven system that beautifully integrates our whole-person approach to acne, physical products, online skincare guidance, and a customized program that we consistently tweak as your skin begins to clear.
The OAP has 95% success rate. Check out the hundreds of 5 star reviews and customer testimonials to see the proof. It worked for them and, if you commit to yourself, it will work for you.
But we still want to make it 100% risk free for you, so the best place to start is with booking a $55 1-hour Online Acne Consult video call. It is risk free and has a money-back guarantee. If that feels like too big of a step, you can book a FREE 15-min Clear Skin Discovery Session or claim our FREE Clear Skin Secrets video series. Both of those offers will give you the information you need to decide if Natural Acne Clinic is right for you.
Most of our clients see significant improvements in the first 30-60 days and get fully clear between 12-16 weeks into our Online Acne Program. For the most severe acne cases, it can take a bit longer. Full transparency: as part of your healing process you may experience some new breakouts initially as the pores begin to purge the debris clogging them, but this is normal and means your system is fixing itself.
YES! Your skin WILL stay clear after you graduate from the Online Acne Program!
We take this question VERY seriously because we know you’ve been dealt empty promises from products and programs claiming to be a lifetime solution. The difference we offer is KNOWLEDGE which is priceless.
After achieving clear skin and gaining your confidence back, you won’t remember who the ‘old’ you was. You will start to live as the new, self-assured, bold, and healthier you who has the tools to stay clear. Your new routine will become second-nature. And implementing the knowledge you will gain, will be the natural thing you do, daily.
So, YES! You will have clear skin for life because you will know how to keep it clear. Trust us, thousands of our clients are going on multiple years of living with clear skin. You will too!
There are two popular acne products on the market known to help clear acne – Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid. Although these two products have been proven to help get rid of acne, most over-the-counter versions of these products include at least one of 34 chemicals that clog pores. This is one of the contributing factors to those products working in the beginning stages of adding them to your skincare routine and then being disappointed later when your skin begins to breakout again.
Natural products don’t have pore cloggers and they also don’t work to get most acne sufferers clear initially or for the long haul.
Natural Acne Clinic has the best specialty skincare products made specifically for acne. Our products have proven acne fighters AND no pore clogging ingredients. These are also the same products used in our Online Acne Program that has helped thousands around the world say goodbye to acne for good.
One of the key game-changing components of our Online Acne Program as compared to many mainstream acne programs on the market is your personal Clear Skin Specialist.
Think about a time when your goal was to get in shape. Although there are moments when you feel super confident and are able to tackle the workouts and meal plans alone, on the days when it gets hard to motivate yourself, wouldn’t it be easier to keep pushing toward your goal having a trainer by your side? Of course it would! Not only do they have the knowledge to get you to the finish line, they also have been where you are and can provide encouragement and direction as you need it.
Like a trainer, this is how your Clear Skin Specialist will help you. They are specifically trained and certified to walk you through our Online Acne Program step-by-step.
Their expertise covers:
- All of the primary acne triggers
- Clear skin diets
- Healing gut imbalances
- Assessing skin and acne types
- Balancing hormones with supplements
- Creating personalized acne treatment plans
- Making regimen adjustments based on how your skin is responding
- Specialty acne products
- Troubleshooting stubborn acne cases
- Providing organization, empathy, and support to you as needed
- And so much more
Well, of course you can, but why are you here checking out our program!?
Seriously though, we know that you can do tons of research and through trial and error, you can figure out the right formula to get your skin clear using prescription drugs, over-the-counter products, or a combination of the two. But why do that when we’ve done all of the work for you?
If you’d rather follow a do-it-yourself approach, complete our 1-hour Online Acne Consult video call so you can at least get your personal roadmap to follow – your Acne Treatment Plan.
We encourage anyone who wants to DIY it to give it a shot, and we will be here if you decide you prefer a little help. Most of our clients decide they want the proven results, organization, expert regimen changes and best of the best acne products that are all included in our Online Acne Program.
The worldwide market for acne treatment products is worth $11 Billion. This number is so high because products alone cannot heal acne. And get this, most leading acne products on the shelves of your local drugstore, have one or more of 34 chemical ingredients proven to clog pores.
Getting rid of acne requires a holistic approach that addresses your primary acne triggers, hormone imbalances, acne-triggering foods, poor gut health, and your skincare regimen.
Natural Acne Clinic’s products and Online Acne Program are as natural as possible, while still being able to clear 95% of our clients. Our products have no pore clogging ingredients, which cannot be said for most of the leading acne skincare products on the market. In our years of experience, 100% natural products that do not contain proven acne fighters like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid simply cannot clear stubborn acne for most people.
Our Online Acne Program has a much higher success rate.
We believe the main contributor to the level of success our clients are able to achieve is due to the individual time and attention we give to each and every client.
We employ a staff of professionals who have suffered from acne. Not only do they understand what you are going through, they will be more attuned to your personal experience, possible triggers, and known allergies. We don’t advise against Dermatologists, but they are often in high demand and can miss the fine details associated with each individual case.
To learn more about the difference when using a dermatologist, click on the link below to check out our blog article.
In the beauty industry, we began seeing product kits hit the mainstream market in the late 1990s. Product kits are definitely better than a single product, but if they worked and provided lifetime results, why are millions of people still struggling with acne?
Unfortunately, product kits and products alone don’t address the root causes of acne – primary triggers, hormone imbalances, diet, poor gut health, and not to mention, a one-size-fits-all approach to a product regimen doesn’t work.
Simply put, prescription drugs are not needed to clear acne. In many cases, they can be counter-productive in helping balance hormones and normalizing gut health.
Our Online Acne Program focuses on addressing your primary acne triggers, balancing hormones with natural supplements, zoning in on acne-triggering foods, poor gut health, and creating a custom product regimen for your skin type.
Prescription drugs have a high success rate of 85% which is similar to the high success rate for the Online Acne Program. However, the MOST COMMON side effects that can be found on the prescription are dizziness, nervousness, drowsiness, joint pain, back pain, nosebleeds, dry eyes, inflammation of the whites of eyes, changes in fingernails and toenails, cracking and peeling skin, dry skin, itching, rash, dry nose, cracks in the corners of the mouth, dry mouth, and dry lips.
They do not have as good of a success rate as the 95% achieved by the Online Acne Program. More importantly, they have the following common side effects according to WebMD – upset stomach, yellow teeth, dizziness, skin color changes, and sun sensitivity. Daily antibiotics also create bacteria resistance and gut health problems, which is one of our top goals to address in the Online Acne Program.
To learn more about gut health and the importance of it being balanced, click the link below.
If you’d like to accelerate the clearing of your acne, we think esthetician peels and facials are a great addition to your new regimen when performed properly. In fact we perform these services at our clinic located in Wheat Ridge, CO. However, these services on their own do not treat the primary acne triggers such as hormone imbalances, acne triggering foods, poor gut health, and skincare regimens not customized properly for your skin.
That’s normal. This is the type of program you wish for, so it is perfectly normal for skepticism and doubt to creep in and try to derail you. Our recommendation is to really ask yourself if you’re ready for clear skin. If the answer is yes, we’d love to help. We’re here when you’re ready and then best way to start is by booking your initial Online Acne Consult. It is 100% satisfaction guaranteed, so you can check us out with zero risk. We’re here to help and support, not pressure. You can do if you choose.
That’s just fear of failure trying to talk you out of something good. You always have the choice to interpret things as failures or learnings. Our program is designed to rework anything you could possibly think of as “failing” into learning. Our coaches are pros at turning anything that could discourages you into incredible motivation. The program works. Trust yourself that you can do it.
We get it. This is a big choice. If you’re on the fence, hop on a free Clear Skin Discovery Session call with one of our staff. This call is designed for people just like you who still have some questions and aren’t quite sure yet if this program is a fit. There is no obligation and we’d love to talk to you.
Our Online Acne Program is exactly what you’ve been wishing for if you’re: – someone who’s finally ready for something that works. – love youreself enough to take a program like this seriously. – motivated by seeing progress and feeling empowered.
This program is NOT for you if you are: – looking for a quick fix product – wants someone else to fix it for you. – aren’t willing to invest in yourself and take the program seriously.
Get started by booking your Online Acne Consult today.
CancelLation Policy Placement
We understand that plans can change, and we strive to accommodate our clients' scheduling needs to the best of our abilities. To ensure a smooth and efficient experience for both our clients and our team, we have established the following cancellation and rescheduling policy:
Clients are welcome to cancel or reschedule their appointments at any time, provided it is done at least 48 hours in advance of their scheduled appointment time. - CANCELLATION FEE:
Any cancellation or rescheduling request made less than 48 hours before the appointment time will be subject to a cancellation fee of up to $55. This fee is necessary to compensate for the time and resources allocated for your appointment, which could have been made available to other clients. - HOW TO CANCEL OR RESCHEDULE:
To cancel or reschedule your appointment, please contact us as soon as possible. You can reach us via phone or email, or use the rescheduling link in your OnceHub appointment confirmation email.