

What is Maskne & How Do We Prevent and Treat It

Maskne Unmasked It has been several months since COVID-19 interrupted every bit of our existence as we knew it. We were asked to stay home until further notice in the wake of not understanding how this virus could attack the human body. Then we were given permission to leave our homes but not congregate with [...]

September 2020 See More
Skincare Routine 101 For Every Skin Type

Skincare Routine 101 For Every Skin Type

Do you know YOUR primary acne cause? Still struggling with an unsure self-diagnosis? We created a short quiz to help you Discover YOUR Acne Cause Take The Quiz Having healthy, glowing skin is desired by many. But little do people know that the secret to achieving that goal is to have a skincare routine that [...]

May 2020 See More
10 Tips for Getting Clear Skin

10 Tips For Getting Clear Skin

While there is no golden rule for getting clear, we have put together a list of the key things that DO matter when trying to get clear and may have an impact on your skin. 1. Avoid cosmetics, hair care, and skincare products with PORE-CLOGGING INGREDIENTS Knowing what ingredients are safe for acne-prone skin is [...]

February 2019 See More
7 Makeup and Skincare Tips for Acne Prone Skin

7 Makeup and Skin Care Tips for Acne-Prone Skin

Ugh—there’s another one! A red, painful blotch and future zit on your right jawline.  Or nose. Or chin. It doesn’t really matter where the pimple is, because the last thing you want is for anyone to notice it! So you spend the next 10 minutes trying to cover up your blemishes and redness with thick [...]

January 2019 See More
Pore Clogging Skincare Ingredients

Pore Clogging Skincare Ingredients

While you may be tempted to purchase items on high street shops or in drugstores which claim to ‘treat’ acne, we’d always recommend checking the ingredients on the packaging before purchasing. In fact, you will hear our Clear Skin Specialists telling clients over and over again…“Do not ever put anything on your skin or your [...]

January 2019 See More
Understanding the Dangers Side Effects of Accutane

Understanding the Dangers & Side Effects of Accutane

Accutane. If your guts twinge just reading this word, your instincts are right on track. Accutane and its generic counterpart, isotretinoin, belong to a class of drug called retinoids (man-made vitamin A derivatives). Available only by prescription and under a dermatologist’s close scrutiny, it works by decreasing oil (sebum) production. It should never be given [...]

January 2019 See More


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